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Open Enrollment Has Ended

You will receive an email containing a link to verify your 2025 benefit elections. Please check them over and let us know if anything is incorrect.

Disability Plans

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Salary-paid Postdocs

Short-term Disability

Postdocs who work in California and are on salary (paid twice a month through Stanford University) are enrolled in the Voluntary Disability Insurance (VDI) plan and Paid Family Leave  (PFL) plan through AbsenceOne.

STD for Salary-paid Postdocs
Stipend or Outside-funded Postdocs

Short-term Disability

Postdocs who are paid a monthly stipend through Stanford University, on a fellowship, or through an outside funding agency are enrolled for short-term disability through The Standard.

STD for Stipend-paid Postdocs
All Postdocs

Long-term Disability

Long-term disability (LTD) insurance pays a monthly benefit in the event of a long-term illness or injury. You can enroll in this program at the time of your benefit elections at no cost to you.

LTD for All Postdocs
leave Policy
Review the Postdoc Handbook

Leave Policy

Stanford-appointed postdocs are entitled to several types of leave, paid and unpaid. Review those policies to stay informed of your options to continue your pay during a medical leave .

Review the postdoc leave policy
Expectant parent resources

Maternity and Paternity Programs

The Postdoc Benefits Office is pleased to offer several programs to help guide you through impending parenthood. Mothers and fathers are welcome to explore our offerings.

Expectant Parent Resources