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Long-term Disability

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Long-term disability (LTD) insurance pays a monthly benefit in the event of a long-term illness or injury. You enroll in this program when making your initial benefit elections at no cost.

This program is available to all postdocs, regardless of your appointment.

You are considered disabled if, as a result of sickness, injury, or pregnancy, you are unable to perform with reasonable continuity the material duties as described below:

  • Your occupation: for the first 24 months of LTD coverage
  • An occupation that you are qualified to perform due to education, training, or experience: after the first 24 months of LTD coverage


A regular appointed postdoctoral scholar, regardless of pay, who works at least 500 hours each year and is appointed at least 30 hours weekly (75% effort).

LTD Benefit Information

  • Benefits begin on the 181st day of disability
  • 50% of a postdoc's pre-disability pay
  • Maximum benefit is $2,500/month
  • The minimum benefit is $100/month

Pre-existing Condition Exclusions

LTD benefits are not payable for any disability caused by, contributed to, or resulting from a pre-existing condition. You are covered under the LTD plan if the disability begins during the first 12 months.

A pre-existing condition is any condition resulting from an injury or sickness diagnosed or for which you received treatment immediately before the date you become covered under the LTD plan. Treatment includes consultation, care, or services a physician provides, including diagnostic measures and/or taking prescribed drugs or medicines.

Special Provisions

There are several notable benefits provisions provided under the LTD plan as follows:

  • Rehabilitation Plan: While disabled, you may qualify to participate in an approved rehabilitation plan where some or all of the expenses you incur would be paid by the plan (e.g., training and education expenses, family care expenses, job-related expenses, etc.)
  • Survivor Benefit: Three times your gross monthly LTD benefit will be paid to your surviving spouse, registered domestic partner, or unmarried children under age 25 if you die while receiving benefit payments.
  • Conversion Coverage: If your appointment ends, you may be able to continue LTD coverage up to $4000 monthly benefit without evidence of insurability.
