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Open Enrollment Has Ended

You will receive an email containing a link to verify your 2025 benefit elections. Please check them over and let us know if anything is incorrect.

Paying Health Insurance Premiums

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Costs Stanford Pays For You*

Stanford pays the total monthly premium when you enroll in the plans below with postdoc-only coverage.

  • Medical
  • Dental
  • Vision
  • Short- and Long-term Disability
  • Life Insurance
  • Basic Travel Assitance
  • Postdoc Assistance Program

Costs You and Stanford Share

  • Stanford requires you to share the monthly premium cost when enrolling eligible family members in your medical, dental, and vision plans.
  • If you are in the country on a J-visa, the Department of State requires that you have coverage for the following:
    • Repatriation of remains
    • Emergency medical evacuation
    • Our basic travel insurance does not meet these requirements; however, our Extended Travel Assistance does. For $1.25/month, you and your J2 dependents can gain this coverage.
  • Find out your costs by reviewing the Current Health Premium Rate Sheet

How to Pay Your Share of the Premium

When you enroll in a plan that requires you to pay premiums, you pay them through an automatic debit from your bank account. The Postdoc Benefits Office processes your payment each month.

If you do not have a bank account, we recommend Stanford Federal Credit Union. SFCU gives Stanford postdocs the same account as they do for students. Check out their website and the information they present at the Postdoc Benefits Orientation

During the enrollment process, if you've elected any benefit that requires payment from you, a pop-up box will appear asking for the following:

  • Name of your bank
  • Type of account, checking or savings
  • Routing Number
  • Account Number

Please review this document to help identify the routing and account number.

This information is encrypted in Benelogic and used only for processing the ACH bank file submitted on the 22nd of each month to withdraw your premium payments.

  • Your first automatic deduction will include any retroactive premium payments.
  • If the 22nd falls on a weekend or holiday, your automatic payment will be made on the previous business day, though the actual payment date may differ depending on your bank.

Health insurance premiums are not deducted from your paychecks.

We cannot accept cash, checks, or credit or debit cards as payment for premiums.


*If an outside source funds your postdoc, and the funding includes funds to cover the cost of health insurance, your PI requested that you pay the institutional cost and the postdoc portion of your health insurance. If the Postdoc Benefits Office approved the request, you were notified by your department administrator of this arrangement. All Wallenberg postdocs pay the total cost of their health insurance from funds issued by the Wallenberg Foundation.